Satanic Witchcraft

Satanic Pentagram

How to Really Summon Demons with Interdimensional Portals Using High Magic

Many theistic Satanists seek to build strong beneficial relationships with Satan and the powers of hell. Unfortunately due to years of persecution much of this knowledge was lost to us. Our enemies didn’t want us to establish contact with Satan as this would lead to their eventual downfall.

The T4S clergy have spent many years performing high magic and have perfected the art of establishing contact with Demons. High magic is not easy and takes a lot of discipline and hard work before any measure of success can be achieved. This is because opening a portal involves ripping a hole into another dimension and this takes a lot of energy.

Many times you will have to start over and it can take a long time before you raise enough energy to open up an interdimensional tear. The key is to be persistent and determined with your mindset on your goal. You have to know what you want and you have to want it enough to pursue your goal no matter what. 

Before I get into the details of how to do this I feel that it is important to give a disclaimer and warn people exactly what they are getting themselves into. If you are a Christian, Muslim, or just someone who is curious about Satanism, it is a very bad idea to try this. These rituals do work and are intended for those who are serious about meeting with entities from other dimensions.

You will come face to face with a being from another dimension and often these entities are very powerful. With that said, if you are a Satanist you have nothing to worry about and we encourage you to master high magic. Always remember to be respectful and you will find that Satan and the powers of hell are very kind and more than willing to help you with your request.

The whole point of this ritual is to get a demon to appear, and there is actually an exact science to this. If you want to be successful at summoning demons with high magic you have to forget everything that you read in grimoires like “The Lesser Key of Solomon” about doing cleansing rituals and sitting in a triangle to protect yourself.

If you are going to have any success at all then you should spend less time trying to protect yourself from these entities and more time trying to get on their side. With that said, you want to remove any barrier that can come between you and the Demon that you are trying to summon.

Summoning Demons With High Magic

So what you have to know about this kind of ritual is that it is all about raising energy and directing it into the creation of a portal. It can take a really long time to raise this energy. How long? Opening a portal can take anywhere from a few months to several years.

However, once you have opened the portal you will find that it will take less time to reopen it when doing summonings at a later stage. Every time that you open the portal it becomes easier and easier and those who have years of experience with a specific Demon can open a portal within days.

In my personal experience, I have found this only to be true for the portal of a specific Demon that I was trying to reach out to. If I tried to summon a different Demon I often had to start over and it would take months or even years to establish the initial portal opening for that specific Demon.

Only the person who has opened the portal can close it again. Keep in mind that this portal is essentially a tear in the fabric of reality, and once it has been opened it creates a vacuum that continues to suck in energy. The portal will slowly keep growing and keep getting bigger and bigger until it is closed or eventually gets unstable enough to collapse on itself.

Try to avoid having the portal collapse on itself as this sends out a powerful pulse that is almost like an earthquake and it causes a lot of destruction to the environment around it. Some portals can get very big before collapsing on themselves while others collapse rather quickly. The larger the portal is when it collapses on itself, the larger the resulting pulse/shockwave.

I feel that it is important to warn others about this as some of these pulses can be powerful enough to disrupt electronic communications and often damage buildings and other structures in the surrounding area.

If you were negligent enough to forget about an open portal and found to your dismay that you couldn’t possibly close it now, try not to be around when it collapses. Get as far away as you can, leave town or go to another city because these pulses can often travel for several miles.

When setting out to open your first portal it is important not to get discouraged at first as it really does take a lot of discipline and hard work to achieve success. You may get more tired than usual and find that you have less energy when performing even the easiest daily tasks. This is completely normal as your body may not be used to working with this amount of energy.

You may be three months in and start to feel like you aren’t making any progress or like nothing is happening. Don’t give up, I can’t stress this enough as many people may lose motivation and get despondent halfway through the working. Nothing in life that is worth doing comes easy, and high magic takes a lot of dedication and effort.

The portal only functions like a gateway that enables the Demon to physically manifest itself. There are many other ways that Demons can communicate with us and you may find the entity reaching out to you while you are performing the ritual. The Demon may send you telepathic messages that will guide you or encourage you to keep going and this is often a good sign.

The Ritual for Opening the Portal

There are different ways to go about opening the portal and it all depends on where your personal skill is at meditation. For this working, you will need the sigil of the Demon that you are trying to summon. A sigil is like a phone number that you can use to communicate with higher dimensional beings.

You will also need a piece of chalk to draw the sigil on the surface where you want the Demon to appear. You can draw the Sigil on the wall or on the floor or even on the ceiling of the room depending on what is available to you. Try to use the floor as a last resort though as people often walk there.

When you draw the sigil, try to copy it as closely as possible and never draw a circle around it. The chalk is not compulsory and is only a visualization aid for those who are absolute beginners. If you are adept at visualizing then there is no need for chalk as you can simply visualize the sigil on the surface where you want the portal to open up.

Once you have made your chalk drawing on the surface of your choice you are ready to move to the next phase of the working. From this point on you should consistently channel your energy into the spot where you are visualizing the sigil. You should consistently do this every day without fail. 

There are several different ways to raise the energy and channel it into the construction of the portal. Some people use the powerful creative force of sex magic and channel their energies into the portal construction at the height of orgasm. Other people do yoga or vibrate mantras and runes and then direct the energy into the desired spot where the portal is supposed to open up. 

I have personally found that using the Kabalistic squares helps to speed up the process. I will publish a sermon soon on how to use these planetary squares. In essence, you have to find out which planet relates to the Demon that you are trying to summon and then use the corresponding square to work out a program for channeling the energy into the portal.

Keep directing the energy into the spot where you want the portal to open and do this for as long as it takes. This process can take months or years; there is no way of telling when the portal will open exactly. However, you will feel the energies getting denser and building around the location of the portal with time. 

Once the portal eventually opens you should call out into the opening: “ Hail hail mighty [name of Demon] ! Please come forth to meet your loyal follower and friend!”

 When the Demon comes through the portal to meet you, state your reason for summoning them. Remember to always be respectful, never command the Demons or give them orders. When treated with respect the demons are always friendly and more than willing to help.

The entity that you will be dealing with is an extremely powerful being and you may be taken back by their energy. I have been summoning Demons with high magic for years now and still haven’t gotten used to this. After meeting with the entity you may be unable to sleep for several days as you will because of the energy discharged from their presence. 

If you have to meet with the Demon on several different occasions it is okay to leave the portal open for a few days as reopening it can take a lot of time and energy. But remember to close the portal before it gets too big and out of control. 

Closing the portal is a simple and straightforward process. There will be a lot of energy in the surrounding area after meeting with the demon and you will feel extremely charged. Simply gather this energy into a ball big enough to fit the entrance of the portal.

Once you have positioned the ball of energy over the opening of the portal start sealing off the edges and the opening will start closing in on itself. This may appear very advanced but it is actually much easier than it sounds. You can also ask the Demon to guide you through the process of closing the portal if this is your first time.

Summoning Demons with high magic has been a life-changing experience for me. My encounters with these interdimensional beings have changed my outlook on life forever. Once you meet one of these entities face to face your life will never be the same again.

-HP Black Mamba
