Satanic Witchcraft

Satanic Pentagram

Hailing One of Satan's Demons - Indications You've Established Contact

How do I contact one of Satan's Demons? What kind of sign might I be looking for to indicate I made contact?

Trying to approach/contact one of Satan's Demons whom you have never contacted/met before, it's best to go through Satan, get His ok/referral before you essentially start ringing the doorbell of someone you haven't met before. Which is what you're going to be doing. Think of this as a visit to see a knowledgable elder, someone who deserves your respect and good manners when approaching them. 

Make your appointment through your mutual friend (Satan) first. Don't just show up unannounced. You know how you feel when strangers show up at your door uninvited and impromptu? Think of it like that. It's just practicing good manners. As for contacting Satan:

Info on contacting Satan

So, you've contacted Satan, asked His blessing getting in touch with whichever Demon it is you wish, received a positive signal. Clean self, clean room, nice ambiance, now settle down comfortably and close your eyes. 

Focus on your breath. Follow the breath till the internal chatter ceases. Now focus on the Demon and ask: 

Dear (Demon), I would very much like to speak with you about (your issue). Make your request to communicate. And then wait in stillness. Keep watching your breath. Here are some indications you could look for that indicate you have made contact. I've experienced all of these, so I'm speaking to you of first hand knowledge:

You might suddenly feel the breath of a breeze waft past you, where there is no breeze. Like inside your room with all the windows shut. This is an indication your Demon has arrived.

You might see an orb of light move past you, or suddenly appear in the room with you for example, hovering over your altar.

The energy of the room suddenly changes perceptibly; you sense energy filling it. You might sense this as a color; it might cause the hairs on your arms to stand up. It may feel like electricity moving over your skin. 

Another way you can receive a positive sign of the Demon responding to you is to feel the touch of their hand. Their touch feels exactly like a real physical hand, except the temperature of it is neutral. This is because they're touching you astrally. Their hand doesn't hold physical warmth, like a physical hand does. 

You might feel the touch of their lips as they kiss your cheek. 

These are all positive indications.

You might suddenly have a vision of (for example) branches of trees in your minds eye set against the sky, as though you were lying under a tree looking up.

You may hear soft knocking on the door or wall

You might 'hear' a telepathic voice.

You may suddenly smell something nice. Like perfume, flowers, or fresh earth after a rain.  

You may suddenly have a song pop into your mind and FEEL it, in your gut, that this song is for YOU. 

I hear sounds and music when I'm out in the world going about my day all the time and 98% of the time thats all it is. The regular everyday stuff doesn't have the same resonance I'm describing here. There's a sense of knowingness that happens when you hear a message that is for you. That's your gut talking. Satan's Demons communicate with us through our solar chakra (gut) a lot.

You may suddenly feel a sensation of warmth or well being. 

You may feel a sensation of positive lightness. A feeling of harmony. 

You may also suddenly feel contact through your base chakra as sudden sexual energy. They have very powerful energy fields and can definitely affect us sexually. All these are indications your Demon just picked up the other end of the line. 

You received your go ahead. Continue on and talk to Him/Her. 

Finish by thanking them for their time, ask them please get back to you (in their own time and at their own convenience). And that you'll do your best to hear them from your end. 

You have just communicated with one of Satan's Demons.

Then relax, knowing your message has been sent, and allow them time to get back to you.

Why You've Not Received An Answer

First of all: How do you know they didn't hear you? 

We are (for the most part) really shut down over centuries of being steeped in christianity, not to mention flouride in the water (shutting down the pineal), weaponized food etc. However, that being said: Lets say you've tried to make contact and felt nothing. Do not feel cast down, sad or ignored.

Sometimes (just like us) they're not available at the moment you call, but they got your message and will respond later. Don't feel discouraged or 'bad' if you don't feel anything right away. Your ability to connect in this way is atrophied, like a limb thats been in a cast for years. You have to work on it.

You musn't expect instant results. We live in a modern world where instantaneous gratification is the norm. People have short attention spans. They want the 30 second sound bite. They want instant response/satisfaction. This isn't going to happen, usually, when we're seeking to communicate with one of Satan's Demons. 

Ring the doorbell, wait for a response, talk to them, ask whatever you're wanting to ask, thank them and then hang up the 'phone'. Give them time and space to respond. That's it. What I'm saying is don't be calling on them every night for 3 weeks trying to make contact. This is like a stranger hovering about your house hanging on the doorbell. It's rude and intrusive. 

You assuredly could have made contact your first try, but be unable to hear/feel/sense them responding. This happens. That's why I say keep your eyes open for synchronicity's and coincidences. Listen to your gut. Pay attention. Practice mindfulness. Start working to de-calcify your pineal gland.

You will find that, after you've established a relationship, made friends, they'll come dropping in on you :) Which is always pleasant and very welcome.

HPS ZolaLuckyStar

Truth4Satan Ministries

“my wisdom is not separate from my heart”

