Satanic Witchcraft

Satanic Pentagram

Different Kinds of Demons

What kinds of Demons are there? Aren't they all the same?

No. There are hierarchies of Demons, many kinds. There are many, many Demons. Demons are beings who have a lot of knowledge. And just because somebody possesses a great deal of knowledge doesn't always guarantee it's coupled with empathy or compassion. Some demons are human hating. 

However, first lets address the Good Demons:

There are Demons related to Satan who, like Him, hail from the caucasian race. These could also be described as nordics or aryans. There are Demons/Gods associated with/allied to Satan who appear as Asian, Black, Native plus many other races of Gods/Demons/ETs. Many native peoples ancient legends speak of the 'star brothers', for example. There is a multitudinous distinctness of beings to be found in the cosmos. One of the greatest lies we were ever told is that we are alone.

There are also lower ranking Gods/Demons who functioned in the past as Temple Guardians. Some of their duties involve carrying messages for higher ranking Gods and they will appear to protect a person who is in need at their request. They work for the upper level Gods, carrying out their directives. 

There are Demons/Gods/ETs who resemble cat people. I have seen/interacted with these. There are some who resemble dog/men. You might think of them today as werewolves. There are Gods/Demons who are feathered with beaks. The description I was given from a first hand experiencer is that these are exceedingly beautiful beings who communicate telepathically. They resemble the griffon, but again, they stand on two legs, not four. I believe depictions of griffons with wings (just as in my Tarot Portraits of The Gods where many are depicted with wings) is emblematic. 

Wings on a divine being in art symbolize a risen/perfected soul. The actual physical being may not necessarily literally have wings. After all, we are blood relation to some of them and we don't have wings. 

The majority of the intelligent beings we call Gods/Demons/ETs follow the 5 pointed star shape of biological makeup, meaning, they have one head, two legs, two arms.

There is a deeper reason/meaning inherent in the symbology contained in the pentagram and why it came to be a symbol associated with Satan. As Leonardo da Vinci intuited, with his cosmology of the microcosm, the Vitruvian Man Sketch; the five pointed star shape is talking about universal design (5 pointed star shape of man). Or; as above, so below, as we say in Satanism. The same balance of elements in structure is applicable in microcosm (in the design of our bodies) as well as in the macrocosm (structures of galaxies). I will dig deeper into the genius of Leonardo (who was a Satanist) another time.

There are Demons who resemble gargoyles like you see on churches. I've personally seen this kind of being; almost within touching distance. It was not my imagination. I wasn't on drugs or asleep. I remember trying to tell people about this and was condescendingly told: 

“It was your imagination!” or “what drivel!”

That's all fine and dandy to say, but those who dismiss other peoples extraordinary experiences are merely displaying their ignorance. It's easy to scoff at somebody because you've never experienced anything yourself. It's a whole other thing when these beings show up literally, right in front of you.

The Demons/Gods don't need your ok or belief to be real and exist. And when you discover they DO....after that, the world you thought you knew has just departed stage left. You will not look on the world the same way, ever again. 

There is incredible diversity of Demons/Gods/ETs out there. I've barely scratched the surface in this article. 

If you are fortunate enough to meet one (a positive one) and they give you their name, but it's not to be found in the 'official' Demon lists, this doesn't negate your experience. 

Remember there are literally hundreds of thousands of Demons/Gods. 

Distinguish Friendly Demon's from Ones Who Are Not

How can I know a Demon is 'good'? I'm frightened!

First of all no fear. Second, you'll know them by their energy. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind:

Satan's people or those allied to Him do not have agendas. They don't encourage us to do harm to ourselves or to others. They don't tell us to do crazy things. Their advice is always pragmatic and grounded in reason. If you find yourself receiving negative prophecy, being talked down to, manipulated, told to do crazy destructive things, feeling cold and threatened......someone else has commandeered the phone line and you want to hang up on them. 

There are many Gods out there. Some of these beings, like the dark gods who are anti-human, are also very advanced and can operate easily in the astral. But, they can be identified by what they say/do. 

When meeting any new entity, ask them if they are dedicated to/allied with Satan. 

If you don't get a clear yes....they aren't. If they can't say His name: Satan. They aren't. And aren't beings you want to be associating with. 

Tell them: “In Satan's mighty name and by His power, leave me!” Don't give them fear. Don't give them hate. Just...remove your attention from them. Your fear is a kind of food to them. Don't feed the trolls.

Give them the psychic version of: 'talk to the hand'.

Also, If you're having trouble with such beings and are Dedicated, you can ask your Guardian Demon to help you deal with getting rid of these negative entities. Your Guardian will assist you until you're strong enough to do these things without their intervention. Many times they'll handle situations for you without you even having to ask, if they can see you're out of your depth. 

The Demons who are allied/related to Satan are not beings invested in harming ones who are weaker than themselves. Because you see, compared to them in power....we're children. And they aren't child abusers. To these Gods and to Satan, child abuse is one of the worst crimes. If you're inadvertently rude, they'll tolerate that (to a point).....because children can be ignorant. 

Demons dedicated to Satan are extremely powerful, positive beings with no interest in slaves. They aren't interested in manipulating us. They aren't interested in hanging around us or forcing us to listen to them. They are not bloodthirsty, certainly not toward us. There's nothing we could give one of them they don't have already. The only thing they want from us is too see us working to advance our own souls, and trying to help make the world a better place. 

They'll assist us as one of us would assist a child or friend. We don't have any desire to hang around conversing with children at length, do we?? We teach our children, and of course we talk to them but when we want deep conversation we seek out our peers/friends. They're the same. For a lot of us, the relationship we have with them may be parental or friendship orientated.  Sometimes it may be more. But this is personal. If we have established a good relationship with one of them, they'll drop in on us from time to time. But they never force themselves on us. 

If you call on a Demon you haven't met before to ask for some specialized help that is in their purview, they aren't going to be hanging around you for days. They don't even know you! In cases like this, where they aren't your Guardian nor Satan and/or do not have any love relationship friendship etc with you, your interaction with them is like calling in a specialist who has a job to do. They do it; and they're off to the next appointment.

They aren't interested in any way to 'possess' us. They don't need or want our souls. They have better things to be doing. They're willing to help us if we ask, no strings attached. 

In stark contrast, enemy beings, the human hating ETs, the dark gods/demons.....are the opposite. They want our slavish obedience. They want our worship. They want us on our knees. They're jealous gods. They ask for/require blood sacrifice. They encourage people to do harm to themselves and to others. They manipulate, they lie. They push themselves on us, uninvited. If they help us, its because it suits their own designs, and there are always strings attached. And they love to masquerade as one of Satan's Demons to us. 

But as I say, human hating Demons/ETs energy feels negative, cold, haughty, contemptuous and threatening. They can and will try to come off as sweet and friendly at first, sucker you in. This is why you must ask them if they're dedicated to/allied with Satan at once. If you don't get a clear straightforward yes, if they can't say His name, then they are not one of His.

Demons/Gods/ETs who are friendly to us, allied with Satan, feel warm, comforting, down to earth and kindly. They all shine with powerful light energy of varying colors. 

The Mighty Lord Demon Sorath, for example, is known as 'The One Who Burns”. When I was new to Satanism I had no idea what that meant. What, He's burning? On fire? 

When I 'saw' Him my first time, He appeared surrounded by such a powerful halo/aura of white/gold energy, like a sun.....He was literally a black silhouette at first against the light. He has the brightest Aura I've 'seen' out of all the Demons I've met. Then as He drew nearer to me I began to make out His features. He does actually appear to be 'burning' when you first 'see' Him. And that is what it means, when He is described as “The One Who Burns”. 

He is a devastatingly powerful, high ranking and positive God/Demon.

I've experienced both kinds of contact/energy. The dark gods feel completely different and horrid (and no, I didn't seek those contacts out – they intruded on me). Their hate and contempt is palpable. 

Avoid all contact with them.

HPS ZolaLuckyStar

Truth4Satan Ministries

“my wisdom is not separate from my heart”

