HP Black Mamba

Satanic Pentagram

Positive Life Choices

In the 1st book of The Book of Satan chapter 7 we read:

The Book of Satan I The True Philosophy of Satan wrote: Serving yourself means doing what is best for you as an individual and following your instincts. Doing what is in your best interest means loving yourself and making positive and healthy life choices. Self-worship has many forms and is something that can be seen at every level of your life.

Most people don’t realize that the mind is an extremely powerful tool. When the mind is in a cage, an individual may not even know that they have been mentally imprisoned. Today I want to talk about freeing the mind and breaking bad habits.

I want to talk about getting a new perspective. When you change the way that you look at things, your perception of your situation changes. You now have a new way of looking at things.

It’s impossible to keep everyone in your life happy, but this doesn’t mean that you should be afraid to rock the boat. Step outside of your comfort zone, because only then can you truly be free. Only then can you tap into your true potential and grow.

For example, if your friends smoke, drink, or do drugs then they won’t be happy with your decision to change. I say fuck them! They are not going to have the same future as you, do what is right regardless.

Get rid of the negative people in your life, and replace them with positive people who encourage and support you. This creates an environment that is fertile for personal growth.

Breaking bad habits is not easy. It’s a struggle right from the start, from the very beginning, you will be faced with challenges. However, if your mind can handle the changes, then these struggles transform into opportunities. Later you will be able to celebrate your victory.

In chapter 8 of the 1st book of The Book of Satan we read:

The Book of Satan I The True Philosophy of Satan wrote: Why are Satanists fearless? Satanists are fearless because they embrace struggle when most people seek to avoid it. We are not deterred by feelings of failure and persevere to the end. When we struggle fear slowly disintegrates.

Life is too short to stay docile and compliant. Always trying to keep the waters calm, never causing a stir. When you try not to make waves, you drown. When you move your arms and swim, you are inevitably going to make waves. Time waits for no man, stop putting things off for another day, act now!

By holding on to the past, you are wasting time. Set your sights on the future, look to your goals and where you want to be. When you have goals, then you know where you are going, and what you are working towards. You can finally focus like a laser beam.

Before you can break your bad habits, you need to have a desire to change your life. You need to have a desire for a better future. You need to love yourself first. Before you can face the giants and overcome your fears, you first have to make a decision. You have to decide that you are going to upgrade your life.

Chapter 3 of the 1st book of The Book of Satan tells us:

The Book of Satan I The True Philosophy of Satan wrote: Believing in yourself will result in a sense of personal power and freedom. Because you know yourself you can finally make choices that are in your best interest. You will feel empowered and continue to grow in power every day. You will finally understand your purpose and make an impact on the world around you.

Most people want a better life and to be happy. Most people want to be brave and set out to create prosperity for themselves. Everyone has the desire to be happy, but they don’t dare to follow through. This is because they lack faith in themselves.

Pay attention to yourself, know yourself, reach down deep inside and summon your inner strength. Grab the warrior inside you by the shoulders, shake him and wake him up! Awaken the warrior spirit within you, blow on the embers, and restart that fire.

You have to stop being happy with the way things are now and start reaching for more. Take action by stepping out of your comfort zone. Start looking at what you need to change in your life so that you can reach your goal. Start looking at the obstacles that you need to overcome, and take action.  

When you do this, you set out on the hero’s journey. When you step out of your comfort zone, you are setting yourself up for success. That is how you achieve your dreams. Stop waiting for the gods to come and lend you a hand. Jesus ain’t coming, and neither is Satan, it is your responsibility to make things happen.

It doesn’t matter who you are or what you are going through, the biggest hindrance to most people is lack of faith. I am not talking about a lack of faith in Jesus or Allah. I am talking about a lack of faith in yourself. If you don’t believe that you can do it, then you never will.

If you don’t have a vision, then you don’t know where you are going. Stop waiting for the right time or right opportunity. When you overcome your fears and start trying new things, then new doors will start opening for you.  

The future isn’t set in stone, you have the power to go out and shape it. Seize the day because you don’t know what can happen. Start taking risks, and you will be surprised with what you can accomplish. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt, see what happens, and you will end up being amazed at your own potential. 
