Demons and Gods

Satanic Pentagram

Lilith: Goddess of Transformation and the Power of Creation

How this info came to me:

Astarte (Inanna) brought Lilith the evening after I'd completed Her portrait, to show it to Her and I think, to introduce me to Her. 

I'd attempted to create a portrait of Lilith a couple times, but I could feel I wasn't making the connection and so, Her portrait was put on the back burner while I worked on others. Around the second year of my portrait project, Astarte approached Lilith on my behalf. 

This happens a lot. One God will approach another on a persons behalf, if the request is valid and something said God/ Goddess is going to be ok being approached about. 

It was the evening of the day after I'd completed Inanna's portrait. I was working when I suddenly got the urge to open up Her portrait file again. Right after I opened it, I felt two female energies enter, examining the image with me. I recognized Astarte's (Inanna's) energy, then realized she'd brought Lilith with her! 

So, I took the opportunity to ask if She (Lilith) would be kind enough to give me some information in order to help facilitate the creation of the portrait I wished to paint. Lilith kindly obliged me with information over the course of the next three days. Three frantic days of taking notes! 

Back in the day (2017) when She gave me this knowledge, it was only meant for me, to help me with my portrait. She didn't want me publishing. But now, She's given me the go-ahead. This became clear to me as one of our members here expressed such an interest in and connection to Her. I wondered about that timing and She let me know yes, its fine now to publish/share. 

So here is some of the information Lilith imparted to me, a kind of first draft. There is much more to come! But, you know how big ass my posts can get (they take a long time – I don't type fast):

The Vesica Piscis and Duat

The ancient Egyptians spoke about something they referred to as the equipped spirit. They taught that the purpose of life was to perfect consciousness.

Working to maintain awareness into the dreaming state, all night long until your body awakens is possible. It's possible to be aware (lucid) during the night while the astral consciousness is out and about. This is because the animating force that is you arises from the non-physical field. Memory/consciousness is not contained in the physical body. 

The fully open third eye/ raising of the kundalini/ lucidity combine to create the magnum opus or perfect consciousness.

(As a quick aside: the original tibetan teachings were about achieving this kind of super consciousness; what they spent their lives on in their temples. It was dreamwork/ meditation. They were striving for the same thing. Mastering perfect consciousness as prelude to the main event, which would be when one physically crosses over. Which is an extended out of body experience. This is what the Tibetan book of the dead details; what to expect, what to do, what not to do; its a map for navigation of this very different realm of reality.) 

The ancient Egyptians taught that the attainment of perfect consciousness is the purpose of life. Because when you have attained this kind of lucidity, you become an equipped spirit. A spirit who is thus equipped has the ability to navigate eternity, like a bird.

They spoke of a special region of the sky. And they called this place the Duat. A divine portal from one state to another. The God of the Duat is Osiris, another name for Satan. The symbol of the Duat is a star (pentacle) inside a circle.

Isn't it interesting that this symbol has become a symbol of  'evil'? Who was responsible for that?

This special place is symbolized as the space between two principle constellations, that of Leo and of Orion. These are on either side of the milky way, which the ancient ones called the winding waterway.

On the ground at Giza the ancient ones built a replica of this special place. The pyramids represent for orion, the sphinx for leo... and the nile was the waterway.

Inscribed on the walls of tombs in the valley of the kings in upper Egypt they tell the initiate: 

“Build on the ground a perfect copy of the hidden circle of the Duat. Know it and through that knowledge, you may hope for eternity.”

While a symbolic representation was physically built on the ground at Giza, when they told an initiate to build on the ground, it was a metaphor for building upon oneself on the ground, meaning in this physical lifetime. We build on the ground – from the ground up, from the physical up. From the base to the crown. The ascension of the kundalini. When we ascend to the crown, our wings open, we attain the cup of eternal life. This is the real holy grail. 

This is why as Satanists we're required to 'build on our physical ground' IE: do meditation/ yoga/ work to attain the perfect consciousness (lucidity) daily. This is why Satanism is not so much a religion but an actual way of life. Its a daily commitment. We do this work (and it is work) in order to strengthen our selves/souls, free/open our energy centres/chakras so that the kundalini may ascend safely. Through this we complete the Magnum Opus, the hope for eternity becomes realized; we become as Gods, Immortal.

It is through the Duat that one must travel after physical death. Along the way one undergoes trials and ordeals (just as we do in life), for which one has well equipped oneself to deal with, having spent their lifetime in practice. This place is not the ultimate destination but another phase of the journey towards the realization of the prize: perfect consciousness.

If one were to draw two equal circles around these two points in space (Orion and Leo) they overlap one another across a river of light (milky way). The overlapping circles of these two constellations with the line bisecting them form the vesica piscis.

The vesica piscis represents the hidden circle of Duat. It's the blueprint of life, from which the flower of life grows. We come from and through this hidden circle, (Duat – the ether/ probability field) we live, we return. It is an endless round. When we have learned/taught ourselves to maintain a perfected consciousness (opened third eye/raised kundalini/lucidity); attained thus the magnum opus, we can fly back and forth like a bird, always with perfect awareness/consciousness, freely.

The Duat is not a literal place, as in a planet out there in the constellation of Orion where the Gods live. Rather, it is a state of being, symbolic, an allegory to describe cosmic forces. When we say hail to the Gods of Duat, we are hailing the ones who have gone before us, to whom we are related by blood, to those who have attained perfected consciousness, the Godhead and thus, have made the Duat (all that makes up creation) their 'home'.

This is why Satan says: 

"There is no place in the universe that knows not my presence"

“The Vesica Piscis is one of my primary symbols” 


What is the Vesica Piscis?

The Vesica Piscis is the most elemental of geometric structures and yet its incredibly profound as it contains within a blueprint for all life: it forms the flower of life, which we have seen inscribed into rock at the Temple of Osiris at Abydos, Egypt, by some means that even to this day our scientists cannot determine how it was done. And yet the liars running this prison planet persist to tell us we evolved out of apes!

The vesica piscis is the power of creation; Lilith is the Mother Goddess, Goddess of creation/ life/ the divine feminine/ fertility/ transformation/  action. She is the spark that animates and activates us. She is the lady of the flame. She is also symbolized by the wand, the 'magic' wand. She opens/ provides the path to a new life. She represents the indwelling God/ Goddess which exists as a potentiality within each one of us. We are sacred containers of divinity and knowledge, of light (It is this light that the enemy matrix consortium harvests).

In olden traditions the supreme being was shown symbolically as a circle, having no beginning nor end, entire and complete unto itself, perfectly formed. The addition of a second sphere represents the expansion into duality (as Thoth has taught us, this is a universal law – everything exists in duality). Unity expressed by the law of duality, the equal and opposite combined. 

In this case the union (where the circles overlap) of the god and goddess form a child of that union, another complete being unto itself. The miracle of life. Where the two spheres overlap symbolizes this result of a divine union. Yes, this can literally symbolize the birth of a new life (as in a baby) but this also symbolizes something much deeper: The path to a NEW life (eternal life).

The space where the god and goddess intersect forms the shape of the yoni (vagina) split by the winding waterway, that milky fluid, from which new life emerges. Creation, the power of transformation (fire) and the eternally unfolding power of life itself, are attributes of the great Goddess Lilith.

Her planet's are venus and mercury, her sign the virgin (Virgo). Lilith brings abundance, blessings, true love and fulfillment, luxury. She is creativity manifest. Anything created by the hands, lies in her province. She is a patron of the arts and of science. Her head is traditionally crowned with stars to denote her connection to the mystical and divine; however, as the earth mother Her innate connection to nature/abundance, is equally represented by a crown of green and flowers. 

She is connected to and represented by the flower of life itself, which grows from the first union, the Vesica Piscis.This symbol was stolen by the church, turned into the symbol of the fish to signify their false god - they essentially took the living Goddess and turned Her symbol of life/worship of life - into a dead thing on a cross/ death worship - but the reality is this ancient symbol of life predates all the monotheistic religions.

It's not just an incredibly powerful symbol: it's a real and material force, not just a concept, as we witness in the hourglass nebula which more rightly ought to have been named the vesica piscis nebula. interesting factoid: the region where the two intersect is bigger than our solar system!

This is raw power contained quite literally, in physical manifestation. Within the simple beginnings of two overlapping circles, the flower of life containing all sacred geometry arises and upon which the material manifestation of universes rests. 

Lilith represents this - the force/ power that literally births universes. She is the raw power of creation, a force unto Herself. This is why She is the Mother Goddess, or divine feminine. And this is exactly why the church frowns on sexuality and its expression (why they transformed/inverted her into the 'virgin' mary), because its the power of life itself that in its ultimate expression between the opposites creates another whole and complete being; its a sacred kind of communion. So they took this power, this life force and they locked the people away from it, taught people to worship a corpse rather than the living Goddess, turned sex (power of life) into something dirty, taught people to be ashamed of their bodies and of sexuality, told them if they masturbate, they'll go to hell. 

Just about every medieval church in Europe uses as a traditional emblem, the Vesica Piscis in two dimensions. Many of these churches were dedicated to the Virgin Mary or to Mary Magdalene – this creature of course was invented/inverted and based upon/ stolen from the True Mother Goddess, Lilith.

Several of the churches in northern France are actually located in such a manner that their points of light recreate the lights of the constellation virgo (Lilith is a virgo). This was no coincidence.

Remember, this enemy alien program, the church (vatican), forced itself down the peoples throats by fire/ gibbet/ sword and terror. People had to retain memory of the true Goddess in any way they could, for future generations at a time when any outright reference to the Gods would earn you a trip to the stake (because after all, it wasn't the ruling elite who did the designing/ carvings/ architecture/ tapestrys - the actual WORK to build (manifest) the churches. Regular folks were paid to do that).



HPS ZolaLuckyStar

Truth4Satan Ministries

"My wisdom is not separate from my heart"

